Week Notes 2025-08
Week Notes for February 17-23
Things this week
- I joined Hiro's Photo Composition Challenge, which started Monday. I hope to have something to share weekly. The first assignment is fairly easy - rule of thirds, something that is usually top of mind for me anyway!
- Oddity: I had a package of Reese Peanut Butter Cups, and one of the cups had 5 paper shell things. Bonus?
- Did some cleaning and organizing of the house. It felt both good and bad; bad: it was dirtier than we thought (dust). Good: It was great to do the cleaning, and to find proper spaces for things that have been sitting around everywhere before since January.
Health Notes
- Re-started food logging. The primary goal is to be back in the habit. I haven't stayed under my calorie goal all week but I have made a point to log everything.
- I hit a step goal streak for the first time in ages. I reached or surpassed my 7500 daily goal at least 5 days in a row! It stopped on Friday when I was working from home and not walking as much.
- On Saturday, I probably had at least 7000 steps but I wasn't wearing my smart watch, so the walks I went on when I left my phone in the house didn't record any steps. For reference, around 6000 is what I had when I looked at my totals when I went to bed.
- The cold has returned, or at least a sore throat. I don't know if it's a full-blown cold or not but I'd love a break from this nonsense.
- Lumineers - Automatic - It was okay. I like their single "Same Old Song" but beyond that I wasn't particularly thrilled with it.
- Franz Ferdinand - The Human Fear - Great! I wrote a review here: https://ottawa.place/@srgower/114026351591068361
- Sharon Van Etten & The Attachment Theory (self-titled) - I loved this self-titled album. It had a very dreamy quality to it and was an enjoyable listen. I recommend it.
- I got caught up in the 4 Nations Faceoff final on Thursday - I wasn't expecting to care very much about it, but it suddenly became must-watch viewing for me. It was a good game - even though I fell asleep for the first 14 minutes of the 3rd period. Luckily I didn't miss anything there!
- I bought a PS5 this weekend; the primary reason was for being able to watch 4K movies and the ability to play games makes it a cost effective purchase. I’ll be writing a couple posts about it in the coming week (including a fun one I have an idea for on my oft-neglected video game blog).
- A great thing I'll be taking advantage of is that the library lends video games. This will help so much in avoiding spending $90/game.
- Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Another dominant performance from Team Canada (Homan) - undefeated, including in playoffs! I believe in the final she stole 4 points to win 6-1 in 9 ends. On top of which she curled 100%, the highest curling % in a Scotties final. Crazy.
- Also, Spring Training is back!
Things I Made This Week
- How I Email | An Almost Anonymous Blog
- Rule of Thirds | Photos by Stephen Gower
- Mainstream Music Discovery – Alternative Airwaves
Just some things I've read online that interested me and I didn't get around to writing about them.
- Ephemeral content – Manu - First time I've heard of "pop-up newsletters" as a concept. Interesting for sure!
- Using Reddit the Right Way - a Lesson Learned | Amerpie by Lou Plummer
- Netigen: Stumble Purposefully