Week Notes 34

Week Notes for November 25 - December 1, 2024
Things this week
- I took the day off on Tuesday! My last vacation day until Christmas, when I take two weeks off. I didn't do a lot of things - I finished my Deep Space Nine model for one; for two, I made a really nice cup of coffee with my French press. I used Coureurs du bois medium roast beans, ground to a coarse grind. So smooth.
- A momentous milestone this week: we had our first Costco hot dogs, ever. $1.50 for a fairly sizeable hot dog and fountain pop - that's a good deal. It was actually quite filling, especially since we skipped cooking Monday night since we were both busy with work.
- A small win: I bought some screen protectors for my phone (long overdue, there's already a scratch near the front camera, but thankfully not on the front camera). I don't think they tempered glass, but a hard plastic. The application was super smooth, and the fingerprint scanner still works. One of the best experiences I've had applying screen protectors.
- I heard an interesting quote re: privacy concepts on Bluesky when it comes to starter packs and block lists from the podcast Ruminate. I have definitely experienced the flood of notifications from being included in a starter pack and it was overwhelming for a few days.
- I started a new "funstration"[1] project. It's something called Diamond Art by Trousse Diamond Art. I can't describe it properly, so here's the description from the website:
Using the chart, match the colour with the corresponding code and press the diamond onto the stylus using your pen and wax. Repeat the process until you cover the entire image with diamonds. Stretch or frame your diamond piece featuring authentic indigenous art!
Basically, it's paint by numbers, but a lot more meticulous. So far I've spent just over an hour on it.
Health Notes
- Is this a health note? I think so. I got a cardboard-variety paper cut on the inside of my left index finger, in a spot where it bends. And then I forgot I had it later in the day and used sanitizer.
Things I made this week
- Deep Space Nine: The Model | An Almost Anonymous Blog
- Organizing with .txt | An Almost Anonymous Blog
- Free Story Idea | An Almost Anonymous Blog
- I uploaded another podcast; I swear this is the last time I'm publicizing it. 2024 - Week 48
- Watched the first two episodes of A Man on the Inside, from the creator of The Good Place. I liked it OK but I'm not sold on it. The premise is good. The show itself comes off as a lite version of Only Murders in the Building so it might fill the void created by binging through season 4.
- As an Indiegogo supporter of Brad Sucks' latest album, I got the digital download for "Naturally". I contributed to the level where you also get the vinyl copy and apparently despite delays it's on track to ship soon - if it weren't for Canada Post being on strike. Oh well, should give me time to A) listen to the digital tracks and B) get a proper record player.
- I recorded the digital tracks to a cassette tape and listened to it. It was familiar to me (in a good way) since I had heard some of the singles already. It's a good album, I recommend it once it's officially released.
- I finished Something Wicked This Way Comes and started reading Fan Fiction by Brent Spiner. I like it so far - fast-paced and he has a fun writing style. A lot of alliteration, and a bit of body horror imagery thrown in.
- One of the bigger pieces of Star Trek news this week was the release of 765874 - Unification in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Star Trek Generations. A lot of people like the movie, but for me I thought it looked very fake (with the exception of one or two shots), and didn't really have an interesting story.
"Funstration" is the term I use for projects that are fun to put together but at times frustrating. For example, my recent completion of the Deep Space Nine model (linked above). ↩︎