Week Notes 23
Week Notes for September 9-15 2024.
Things I made:
- Testing The Cheap Lens
- Tuesday Thoughts 03
- Review: Healing Back Pain (Dr. John E. Sarno)
- An idea for a newsletter
- Jays From Home # 137 - Bowden Francis is One-Hittable (recorded with my brother)
- My brother said that it's becoming more difficult to work around his sons' (my nephews) schedules on weekends, and doesn't have time for our podcast anymore. So, something to figure out going forward.
- We recorded our last podcast yesterday (link above). We left the door open for the future but I think I'm going to let that podcast end and not take it on solo. I also wrote about some ideas I have for a possible newsletter in the future.
- Along with my bad back pain (see health notes) I broke my glasses on Sunday. I glued them back together but - at the time of writing I'm unsure if they're stable enough to continue wearing in the short term. It wouldn't be such a bad thing, except that I'm not at home and only have two pairs of contact lenses (and I'm wearing one of them right now). I hope that a local optician shop has some trial pairs available or something.
Healthy Living
- I've been getting away from tracking and writing about my progress for the last several weeks. My last update was a week ago (as I write this) and there's not much substance / reflection to them. That said, I haven't been backsliding as I might expect by not being on top of things. But I feel like I need to get back into a more mindful state before things start to go sideways.
- I had some really bad back pain that led to a hospital stay. Thankfully, muscle spasms only.
- This morning, and since Saturday evening, I've been pain-free. I bought some stronger OTC muscle relaxants to have on hand if it flares up again.
Just some things I've read online that interested me and I didn't get around to writing about them.
- Copy Markdown URL Bookmarklet | Otávio’s blog
- Star Wars film newly dubbed in Ojibway will give 'boost' to the language, its Darth Vader actor says | CBC Radio
- Details emerge about accused, buyer in Churchill portrait heist | CBC News
- Last week I borrowed Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection by Dr. John E. Sarno from the library, based on a reccomendation from Brandon. I went into the book skeptical, and I still am a little bit (Dr. Sarno attributes a LOT of physical pain to mental/emotional triggers and presents anecdotal evidence as "proof" that he's right); but it's definitely an interesting read.
- Prisoners, 2013. I've had this movie on my list for quite a while and finally watched it on DVD; I thought it was great, 5 stars. I especially loved the cinematography, the way that the scenes looked naturally lit by the ambient lighting around them. The weather was done very well, especially the snow.
- Finished Batman: Caped Crusader. The season is a bit uneven but I like some of the stylistic choices they made with this one.